ESR9 – Robust cloud service provisioning and management – NTNU Trondheim

Project title: Robust cloud service provisioning and management
Host Institution: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
Host Department: Department of Telematics
Supervisor: Prof. Yuming Jiang (NTNU, Norway)
Co-Supervisors: Prof. Bjarne Helvik (NTNU), Dr. Volker Hilt (Alcatel-Lucent, Germany), Dr. Arne Øslebø (UNINETT, Norway)

The Department of Telematics at NTNU invites applications for the position of a Early Stage Researcher (ESR) fellowship (PhD position) within the CleanSky Initial Training Network (ITN), to be funded by the Marie Curie Actions of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission.

The recruited ESR will conduct PhD studies at NTNU located in Trondheim, Norway, visit other nodes for secondments, and attend the training events of the network. The position is fully funded (100% employment) according to the Marie Curie programme, which offers highly competitive and attractive salary and working conditions.

Project Description

When a telecom provider offers its own cloud services to its customers, it may federate cloud services from other providers. As such, there is a need for the telecom provider to compose services with reliable Service-Level Agreement (SLA) and to dynamically adjust (the subscription to) the underlying cloud services to maximize the revenue. The objective of the project is to develop results for provisioning and management of cloud services that are both robust and cost-efficient meeting service level agreement (SLA). The specific tasks include (1) Identifying the effect of service compositions and failures on SLA; (2) Proposing cloud composition strategies with maximal cost-efficient service availability; (3) Developing solutions for robust cloud service provisioning and management.

Applicant Profile

  • An excellent Master degree in computer science or equivalent
  • Good knowledge of computer networks and distributed systems
  • Ability and motivation to conduct high-quality research, including publishing the results in relevant venues
  • Excellent analytical abilities
  • Good programming skills and knowledge of evaluation methods
  • Working experience in the area of cloud computing is advantageous
  • Very good communication skills (both written and oral) in English

Selection Procedure

The position will remain open until filled.


This position is also listed in EURAXESS.

cleansky_adminESR9 – Robust cloud service provisioning and management – NTNU Trondheim